One year. And what a year it was!

One year ago, we started Fritz Tiny Homes.  
We started with hopes and plans and dreams. We had a clear picture of how we wanted to go about building homes and building a business. We had a purpose, and so we began. We took one step, and then another. We haven’t stopped.  

Today we are taking a moment to pause and look back on this short, wild journey. Taking stock of what worked, what didn’t. Appreciating how far we’ve come. Appreciating how far we have yet to go.  
Today we are re-examining the reasons we took those first steps. Did those reasons survive the trip? Did we pack them along every step of the way? Did they serve us, keep us on our chosen path, inspire us?  

They did.

Fritz Tiny Homes living room view.JPG

Today we are more inspired than when we first began. We are more solid in our belief that anything worth doing - anything worth building - will take persistence, passion, and hard work.  

We are so excited about year two, excited to take another step forward. We are proud of what we have accomplished and humbled by the response from the tiny home community, our community. Thank you all for the support, kind words, and keeping us company along the way. 


Tiny Home Loft Inspiration


Tiny Stairs. Big Function.